Harrison Ford Confirms Indiana Jones 5

It has now been almost 12 years since Harrison Ford last graced the silver screen as the legendary Indiana Jones. But now that he’s brought back Han Solo twice (in STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS and STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER), he’s apparently ready to once again play cinema’s most famous archaeologist. While it doesn’t have an official title just yet, INDIANA JONES 5 is a go — and what’s more, filming on the movie is set to start up in just a couple of months.
It was all the way back in 2015, in the wake of the Walt Disney Company purchasing Lucasfilm, that we first heard rumblings about INDIANA JONES 5, but apparently only now are things finally ready to get underway. Harrison Ford has recently been doing press for his new movie, THE CALL OF THE WILD, and it was while sitting down with CBS that the actor revealed the plans to start filming the next chapter in INDIANA JONES franchise.
When asked what he felt was the challenge of returning to his iconic roles, like Han Solo and Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford said,
"[The challenge is] trying not to look silly running around in tight pants and high boots. I'll give you a more appropriate answer, considering that I'm going to start doing Indiana Jones in about two months: I'm always delighted to come back to these characters. When we have the opportunity to make another, it's because people have enjoyed them. I feel obligated to make sure that our efforts are as ambitious as they were when we started. You have a sense of responsibility to your customers."
Having directed all of the films in the series thus far, Steven Spielberg is set to return to take the helm of INDIANA JONES 5, and it will be his follow-up to WEST SIDE STORY, which is set to hit theatres later this year on December 18. Given the timing of the production, the director will be filming the next chapter of the INDIANA JONES franchise while working in post-production on his first musical.
As of now, Harrison Ford is the only actor currently attached to the project, and it’s unclear if he will be joined by anyone else reprising their role from one of the first four movies. It was reported a few years ago by EW that Shia LaBeouf won’t be back playing Mutt — Indy’s son from INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL — and we're not sure if the story will have a part for Karen Allen's Marion Ravenwood, who was married to the hero at the end of the last film.
With filming scheduled to start in the near future, more updates about INDIANA JONES 5 will hopefully be announced soon. The movie is currently scheduled to hit theatres on July 9, 2021.
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