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AFI's Top Ten Sci-Fi

American Film Institute


Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies Presented by AFI

Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies Presented by AFI

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#1 2001: A Space Odyssey

Story follows the ascent of mankind into the near-future space age through minimalist performances and a strong visual style.

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#2 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

In a distant galaxy, a long time ago, young Luke Skywalker assembles his motley crew of allies including space rogue Han Solo and two droids C3PO and R2D2 to rescue Princess Leia.

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#3 E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial

A young boy coping with his parents divorce befriends an alien on the run from the FBI.

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#4 A Clockwork Orange

Based on Anthony Burgess's disturbing novel about England in the totalitarian future, Malcolm McDowell portrays Alex, a Beethoven-loving, head-bashing punk who leads his gang.

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#5 The Day the Earth Stood Still

An alien dignitary comes to Earth to learn why humans can't stop warnings amongst each other.

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#6 Blade Runner

An ex cop comes out of retirement in order to hunt down androids who are being reproduced for purpose of slavery.

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#7 Alien

In deep space, the crew of the commercial ship Nostromo comprised of five men and two women is awakened from their cryo-sleep capsules, halfway through their journey.

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#8 Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Sequel to the sci-fi adventure about a near-indestructible cyborg.

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#9 Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Mistaken for insane, a man arrives in San Francisco to inform the world that strange aliens have arrived on earth to overtake human life.

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#10 Back to the Future

A teenager travels back in time to save his parents marriage as well as his own life.