May 17, 2024
Taking its source in the north of Tibet, the Mekong, one of the mythical rivers of Asia, continues its long descent of approximately 4900 km through six countries, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, before flowing into the South China Sea. Philippe, traveler/director, travels these vast territories by all possible means of locomotion. On foot, by scooter, by bus, by boat, or on the back of an elephant... In Laos, his companion Cris joins him to cross part of the country together on foot. A single objective: to meet the local populations by taking the time to discover them, to enrich themselves with their culture and their relaxed way of life. Tibetan pilgrims, Chinese peasants cultivating rice terraces, mountain ethnic groups, Buddhist monks, or fishermen...Finally, we learn more about the river and the environmental problems created by its recent hydroelectric exploitation. The Mekong is no longer a long calm river, it is a river on borrowed time...
Event Director