October 13, 2023
Special Event, Rock/Pop Concert
Host your own Private Theatre Rental for 1-40 total guests and see TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR beginning October 19, 2023. Our online technology makes it easy to book online. The cultural phenomenon continues on the big screen at AMC Theatres! Experience TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Concert Film, spanning a 17-year award-winning musical career. Immerse yourself in this once-in-a-lifetime concert film experience with a breathtaking cinematic view of the history-making tour that Ben Sisario of The New York Times called "A Cultural Juggernaut". Taylor Swift Eras attire and friendship bracelets are strongly encouraged! Don't miss out, book your Private Theatre Rental NOW! Private Theatre Rentals for TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR are non-refundable. AMC has been advised that this film contains sequences with flashing lights that may affect photosensitive viewers.