The Future of Deadpool
AMC Scene
DEADPOOL arrived in theatres back in 2016, but the character felt so perfectly realized, so whole , that it feels like he’s always been around. The blockbuster performance of Ryan Reynolds as the Merc With a Mouth catapulted his hilarious and R-rated brand of humor to the top of our list of favorite superhero adventures. The sequel only took about two years to smash into theatres. Thanks to Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox, however, we may have longer to wait before Wade Wilson and his crew of mutant mercenaries are back on the big screen. We love thinking about the future, however, so join us for a breakdown of what the studio merger means for the future of DEADPOOL. When Two Studios Become One [Credit: 20th Century Fox] Disney’s purchase of 20th Century Fox is a huge deal years in the making. Now that it is being finalized, superhero movie fans are excited — and incredibly curious — to see what happens next. Disney already owns Marvel Studios, but Fox has owned the rights to make movies about Deadpool, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four for a long time. With Disney absorbing Fox, all of those characters will be free to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That means we could see a new Wolverine and that he could appear in movies alongside characters like Hulk and Captain Marvel. These developments won’t happen overnight, however. Marvel is concluding a huge chapter in its overall story arc this year with CAPTAIN MARVEL and AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Few movies have been announced beyond that, but it’s safe to assume they won’t throw all of the X-Men into the MCU right away, especially since there’s still at least one more X-Men movie to come this year, DARK PHOENIX. Deadpool at Disney [Credit: 20th Century Fox] There was more than a little concern about what would happen with Fox’s more adult-oriented movies and franchises — like ALIEN and DEADPOOL — once they landed at Disney. The Mouse House is a family-friendly studio first and foremost. Disney leadership has assured fans that Deadpool’s future adventures will remain R-rated. That’s great news. The character’s movies are so successful in part because they’re wildly different from the all-ages approach of other superhero franchises. Ryan Reynolds’ anti-hero is a clever, self-aware mercenary with a foul mouth, and he doesn’t take himself — or his movies — very seriously. Unlike other superheroes, he’s aware he’s in a movie. That makes for some great gags and could make for hilarious jokes in a Disney-produced sequel. If Deadpool doesn’t try to do something unspeakable to Mickey Mouse in his next movie, we’ll be shocked … and a little bit disappointed. Deadpool 3 and Beyond [Credit: 20th Century Fox] The second Deadpool movie set up X-FORCE as a possible film. New characters like Domino (played by Zazie Beetz of “Atlanta”) and the time-traveling Cable (Josh Brolin, who also happens to be a major part of the MCU) would be on the team. Brolin has signed a contract for at least three films. Drew Goddard, who recently made BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE, has been connected to X-FORCE. Meanwhile, screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have been planning DEADPOOL 3, which would continue Wade’s story separate from X-FORCE. Though these projects have been planned for some time, it’s unclear if both will still happen at Disney. DEADPOOL 3 still seems to be a priority, which isn’t surprising given the box office performance of the previous movies. It may take a while before Disney announces any new movies featuring the Merc With a Mouth, but it’s highly doubtful that we’ve seen the last of Ryan Reynolds’ R-rated anti-hero. Check back with the AMC Scene for more DEADPOOL developments!