Prepare to be transported into new worlds with IMAX, the immersive movie-going experience. Every element in a premium IMAX theatre is specially designed to create an intense experience, ensuring movie magic each time the lights go down.
IMAX is more than just a movie screen – every frame of the film has been optimized for cinematic clarity, detail and scale. In IMAX, the film has been transformed to draw you beyond the edge of your seat and into a new reality.
Precision Sound
From pins dropping to booming action, perfectly tuned, innovative sound systems and precise speaker orientation makes every note clearer and more dynamic, all within customized cinema seating for otherworldly experiences.
Immersive by Design
Every IMAX theatre is designed to exact standards for a clear vantage point at every seat. Remote monitoring, real-time system adjustments, and custom-designed engineering ensures a completely immersive IMAX moviegoing experience every time.